Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Madeline!

Yesterday we celebrated our sweet Madeline's 8th birthday! We had a waffle breakfast, during which we let her open a few of her gifts. Then we let her choose a lunch destination after church...she chose Chili's and got their Kraft macaroni and cheese with mandarin oranges. I know I could have made that for her for much less, but it was what she wanted, so we indulged. We will be having a 'friend' party on Saturday, so there will be more pictures to come.
Madeline is our sweetheart. Always thinking of others before herself, she makes a great big sister to our crew. She loves animals, crafts, and the color pink. She made us parents and made our parents grand-parents. We are so very blessed to have this little girl who is still in that sweet naive state that we too quickly grow out of. I hope she stays there for at least one more year. We love you bunches Madeline Lea!


Candace/Chloe said...'s hard to believe she's eight already! What a can see it in her precious smile!

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Madeline!!

the mccann clan said...

So neat! Happy Birthday, Sweet girl! We all love you so very much!